Unauthorized Access Warning
Unauthorized access or use of this computer system is prohibited. All users expressly consent to monitoring their activities by system personnel and understand that information relating to possible criminal conduct may be provided to officials for disciplinary and/or legal action.
By continuing to use this system, you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of use.
A Message from Management and Staff
We, at Athol Savings Bank, work in an ever-changing world where our specific tasks and jobs change as do our customers’ needs, but our beliefs and values do not change. We value each and every customer relationship and believe customers such as you have entrusted us not only with your finances but also with your personal information. You are the most important part of our business and deserve the highest quality of service. We believe that privacy should not be compromised to provide this service and have therefore developed the following principles describing our practices and policies to serve as a standard for Athol Savings Bank.
Click here for our Privacy Policy.
Privacy of Minors
Athol Savings Bank recognizes and respects the importance of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of children who may access our website. The following privacy policy has been adopted to ensure that children’s privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all times.
We do not knowingly collect, store, or share with third parties any personally identifiable information obtained on our website on children under the age of 18. Personally, identifiable information includes email addresses, street addresses, phone numbers, and names.
At Athol Savings Bank, we’re here for you! If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.
We’re here to discuss your questions, suggestions, and concerns at your convenience; and, we always look forward to talking with you. Contact us today!